Hey ya'll!
I have been in hibernation from blogging. I really stink at this. I'll let you know what has been going on. When I started this blog, I had soooooo many ideas, but lately I have been using my brain for good instead of evil! Idk, if have no excuse this time. I have been focusing more on school and kid raising lately. Then there was this one time I focused on job finding for a day or two. I seem really ambitious don't I? Anyways, I wanted to answer the question that everyone asks me, "How do you do it all?!?!" Some ask in awe, some ask with fear and dread of having to manage what I do everyday. Well lady and gentleman (I know I have a small audience. So what!), My answer is I don't. Seriously, I am a procrastinating, take life as it comes, [insert witty phrase] kinda girl. As a mother and a student this makes me insane. Yes. I said it. I am somehow still maintaining a 3.5 GPA, my children are still wonderful; according to their doctor, they always have great skin (not sure what that means), and no one has starved or suffered any injuries. The truth is I don't know how I do it. I just do it because I have to. No one will do all of this if I don't! So I suck it up, mumble under my breath and keep going! Anyone who tells you being a stay at home mom is easy, is a damn liar! Try it for one day. Am I ranting? Didn't mean to but it was on my mind.
Mommy stuff:
When I think of my grandmother, one of the things I think of besides great down home food, is her affinity for making the best of bad situations. My mother told me one year she put together a a bathing suit using a t-shirt and old spandex shorts. She sewed it together. I have no idea what this design looked like. My mom said embarrassing! All I know is that my mom still got to go swimming even though the family couldn't afford to buy a new swimsuit. My Nana's favorite word was improvise. "You have to improvise" This is something I will always take from her because they may not have had everything they wanted but they had what they needed. I will always improvise when I have to! That's a good mama right there! Next week I'll tell you about my box/ sled from Nana of course, lol!